Course Curriculum

Objectives Content
Define key terminologies used in this course. Definition of terms

–  Coronavirus (Covid-19): an Introduction

Identify and explain the symptoms of Coronavirus Common signs and symptoms:

Fever, cough, tiredness, early symptoms of COVID-19 may include a loss of taste or smell

Other symptoms:

  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, Muscle aches, Chills
  • Sore throat, Runny nose, 
  • Headache
  • Chest pain, Pink eye (conjunctivitis)
  • Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea, Rash
Identify and discuss certain medical conditions that may increase the risk of serious illness from COVID-19  Medical conditions that may increase the risk of serious illness from Coronavirus:

  • Serious heart diseases, 
  • Cancer, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), 
  • Type 1 or type 2 diabetes, 
  • Overweight, High blood pressure, 
  • Smoking, Chronic kidney disease, Sickle cell disease, 
  • Weakened immune system from solid organ transplants,  
  • Pregnancy Asthma, Chronic lung diseases such as cystic fibrosis 
  • Liver disease, 
  • Dementia, Down syndrome 

(discussion details at page 11)

Describe the symptoms that an individual needs to see a doctor When to see a doctor. Emergency signs

  • Trouble breathing, 
  • Persistent chest pain or pressure, 
  • Inability to stay awake, 
  • New confusion, 
  • Pale, gray or blue-colored skin, lips or nail beds — depending on skin tone
Identify and discuss the causes of coronavirus infection and spread of transmission Potential causes of Coronovirus and mode of transmission 

1. Droplets (sneezing, aerosol, close contact)

2. Touching a person’s mucous membrane or inhalation

Identify and discuss the complications  Complications can include:

  • Pneumonia and trouble breathing
  • Organ failure in several organs
  • Heart problems, 
  • A severe lung condition that causes a low amount of oxygen to go through your bloodstream to your organs 
  • Blood clots, Acute kidney injury
  • Additional viral and bacterial infections
Discuss the preventive measures and practices Preventive measures and practices to slow down or stop the spread

– Distancing

– frequent handwashing

– avoiding large crowds

– Wear PPE’s

– Avoid touching your face

(discussion details: page13-14)